The Miriam Rosenthal Foundation for the Arts was established in 1965 in memory and honor of her many contributions to the quality of life in the greater Dayton community. Because of her dedication to the performing arts, the Foundation’s primary focus is advancing the cultural life of the Dayton community and helping assure access to arts programs for all residents of the area.
The grant program stimulates exciting and enriching cultural activities that elevate the quality and scope of programming available in the community, takes advantage of special opportunities which otherwise might be missed and provides avenues for cooperation among arts and cultural organizations. Since the financial capability of the Foundation to assist in financing cultural activities is directly related to the size of its endowed funds and their earnings, all grant recipients will be required to publicize the general purposes of the Foundation and its desire to increase its assets through gifts of principal from area residents. Public recognition must also memorialize Miriam Rosenthal and her many contributions to the cultural life of the Dayton area.