1. Eligibility

The Miriam Rosenthal Foundation strictly limits grant recipients to professional, non-profit organizations as determined by the Internal Revenue Code and as registered with the Attorney General’s Office, State of Ohio. Applying organizations must have as their primary mission that of serving residents of the greater Dayton area through the presenting and/or producing of arts events and activities. Organizations desiring more information, seeking counsel regarding specific grant proposals or intending to apply for grant support should contact the Foundation Chairman.

2. Pre-Submission and Submission Timeline

Any organization wishing to apply for a grant must first submit an outline of the project (or draft of the application) to the Foundation’s Chairman at least three weeks prior to the grant deadline. This may be done via email or U.S. mail. The Chairman will review the outline, discuss any concerns with the applicant, and disqualify any application that does not fully meet the requirements of the Foundation.

The Chairman is also available for consultation on possible grant projects and/or guidance in completing the application. All requested interim and final project reports, grant payment requests, and questions concerning the Foundation should be addressed to the Chairman.

Approved applicants are required to submit a letter of application and numerous supplemental materials as outlined below. Twelve copies of the Application and Two copies of the supplemental materials are required. Do not use staples, or covers for any of these materials. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. Application deadlines have not changed:

  • April 1 for projects beginning no earlier than November of the same year
  • October 1 for projects beginning no earlier than May of the following year

(Note: from time to time, the specific application deadline may be modified because of Foundation business. Be sure to check with the Foundation Chairman prior to submitting an application.)

3. Notifications

Applicants will be notified about the disposition of their grant applications 45-60 days following the above submission dates.

The specific timetable for payment of grant monies will be negotiated with each recipient organization. Generally, no more than 50% of the grant will be paid in advance of the project’s completion. Final payment will be made when all requirements of the project have been met including submission of both a final accounting summary and a final narrative/evaluation report to the Foundation.

4. Funding Ineligibility

At this time, the Foundation will not accept funding requests for the following:

  • Capital funding
  • Foundation or endowment gifts
  • Underwriting for fund-raising projects
  • Scholarships


5. Letter of Application

Twelve (12) copies are required, 2 with original signatures. The application letter, addressed to the Foundation, should include the following:

  • Amount Requested
  • Clear indication of the intended use of the grant
  • Timetable for the Activity
  • What are the intended short and long-term impacts of this grant activity on your organization? On the Dayton region?
  • What branding opportunity do you see in the activity for the Rosenthal Foundation?
  • Budget for the Proposed Activity including income and expense categories

6. Required Supplemental Materials

Two (2) copies of these materials are required to accompany the two copies of the Letter of Application with Original Signatures:

  • Current Operating Budget
  • Copy of the most recent Audited Statement and copy of the 990-Form for the same period
  • Organization Chart
  • Board Roster

Application Submission

Letter of Application and Required Supplemental Materials must be typed and submitted before the appropriate date. Please do not use covers or binders and do not staple any pages together.

Application materials must be submitted on time and received at the following address on or before the appropriate date:

Miriam Rosenthal Foundation for the Arts
Attn: Richard C. McCauley, Chairman
6424 Autumn Woods Way
Sarasota, FL 34243
Phone: (941) 350-0158

Email Richard McCauley